

As people are the bedrock of culture, the ministry hopes to tap into the public’s collective wisdom to form a system that supports the creation of cultural works and ensures that everyone has an equal ability to enjoy and participate in cultural activities, Cheng said.

By Sean Lin / 卡債如何償還車貸2胎Staff reporter


The ministry has scheduled four hearings from this month to the middle of next month in Kaohsiung, Hualien County, Changhua County and Taipei, while 13 sub-forums have been scheduled nationwide from late this month to June, she said.

卡債協商中心台灣銀行借款利率In a bid to shape Taiwanese cultural identity, Minister of Culture Cheng Li-chiun (鄭麗君) yesterday announced the launch of public hearings as part of its efforts to pr代書貸款風險整合負債各家銀行利率民間貸款條件第一銀行貸款e急需用錢20萬pare a white paper that would serve as the draft for a cultural basic act

遠東銀行信貸理財型房貸土地銀行Speaking at a news conference at the former headquarters of the Japanese colonial era Taiwan Minpao (台灣民報) in Taipei, Cheng said that the ministry wou新竹借款ld hold the hearings in the same spirit as the cultural pioneers who led the nation’s first cultural movement in the 1920s, which fundamentally reshaped soci台南民間信貸ety.

義務役貸款It is important that the nation does not ignore its culture, especially at a time when the majority of the public is focused on the pursuit of economic growth, she said, citing as an example a series of cultural movements that blossomed in post-war Taiwan — inclu農地持分貸款ding folk literatu信用瑕疵汽車貸款re, Taiwanese folk songs and the New Wave cinema movements — despite the nation’s heavy focus on economic development at the time.

房貸比較Cheng said that she hopes to nurture Taiwan into the “Formosa of the world,” encouraging people to take part 缺錢怎麼辦in the hearings to review existing cultural policies while new ones are formed, thereby outlining the nation’s diverse culture.

借錢救急管道信用瑕疵信貸The discussions are to center on six themes: reforming cultural governance and organizational restructuring; supporting creative freedom in art and culture; cultural preservation and consolidation; developing a sustainable “culture economy” and cultural and creative sectors; promoting cultural diversity and exchanges; and cross-industry collaboration between the cultural and technology sectors, she said.

The first draft for the act was proposed 20 years ago, but legislative efforts have languish車貸試算程式ed, as lawmake房屋二胎設定rs across party lines have yet to arrive at a consensus on how the act should be written, Cheng said.

The ministry expects the draft to be approved by the Executive Yuan by May 20, in time for a review during the upcoming legislative session, she said.

新聞來源:債務整合申請表台南民間貸款>TAIPEI TIMES


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